Monthly Archives: September 2024

Soul Harvest: Sermon Preached on 15th September 2024 (Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity, Harvest Festival)

It is complex for farmers to manage a harvest of so many different crops. How much more complex is a harvest of human souls. Continue reading

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Disability, Demons, and Gays (Oh, My!): Sermon Preached on 8th September 2024 (Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity)

Whether we’re rich or poor, disabled or athletic, gay or straight, we all need to be opened up by the love of God who is Father of us all. Continue reading

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Angry People Click: Sermon Preached on 1st September 2024 (Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity)

The Internet is a big mirror reflecting our emotions back at us. What they reveal about us isn’t pretty; maybe even confirming the doctrine of original sin! Continue reading

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