Monthly Archives: August 2024

Eat Me!: Sermon Preached on 25th August 2024 (Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity)

Never lose sight of how much of what Jesus Christ taught was seriously, seriously, weird. Continue reading

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Bread of Eternal Life: Sermon Preached on 18th August 2024 (Twelfth Sunday After Trinity)

Those who eat Jesus’ flesh will have eternal life? Christianity is a weird faith. That’s what’s so good about it. Continue reading

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The Limits of Good Works: Sermon Preached on 11th August 2024 (Eleventh Sunday After Trinity)

Human beings are made of star-stuff but spend a lot of our in the muck. Continue reading

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Gratitude at Lammastide: Sermon Preached on 4th August 2024

Preached at St Peter’s, Poulshot for the Wiltshire Countryside Club annual service Leviticus 23. 9-14; Matthew 15. 32-39               “You shall eat no bread … until you have brought the offering of your God.” For many people in this country, the … Continue reading

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Don’t Be Useful!: Sermon Preached on 4th August 2024 (Tenth Sunday After Trinity)

We all want to be useful; but we can’t be, not for all of our lives. We should try to be faithful instead. Continue reading

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