Monthly Archives: August 2014

Is Paddy Ashdown right? Is it time for an end to Sykes-Picot?

Paddy Ashdown had an unusually courageous article in the Guardian on Thursday calling for the West to accept that the 1920s-era boundaries of Middle Eastern countries should be redrawn. Courageous doesn’t mean sensible. How does his argument stack up? “This … Continue reading

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Nobody loves themselves a conspiracy theory anywhere in the world like they love themselves one in the Middle East

The latest conspiracy theory doing the rounds in the Middle East: ISIS is a front established by the USA to legitimise a reinvasion of Iraq, and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is actually a Jewish actor called Shimon Eliot. (Of … Continue reading

Posted in Global, Middle East | Comments Off on Nobody loves themselves a conspiracy theory anywhere in the world like they love themselves one in the Middle East

BBC News Report – Good Friday Agreement Referendum Results

BBC News report from referendum results day 1998. A very youthful me briefly appears in in the background 34 seconds in. Paisley being a bad tempered bad loser in denial is particularly choice. [youtube]

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Feast of the Transfiguration: Thousands Face Death on the Mountain

#Yezidi refugees from #Shingal. Children, women and old people without water, food and safety! #TwitterKurds — êzîdîPress (@EzidiPress) August 3, 2014 Mountains are somewhere apart from the mainstream of the world. They are often gorgeous, above the general fray … Continue reading

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Interesting posts: autism, WW1, threats to liberal democracy, Iran

Some great writing around at the moment, too much to keep up with sometimes. Here’s some of the best. The Kids Who Beat Autism – New York Times I always worry about articles like this giving false hope to people. … Continue reading

Posted in What I'm Reading Online | Comments Off on Interesting posts: autism, WW1, threats to liberal democracy, Iran